Expedien Library automation system follows International Standard of information interchanges with the help of the Bibliographic Records - MARC 21 and Uni MARC, Z39.5 communication protocol and Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2).
Cataloging with the bibliographic records, an entry in a bibliographic database that represents and describes a specific resource is also made available.
It contains data elements as well as additional support information in a formalized the bibliographic format. These records are retrievable by name of the author, title of the book, ISBN, publication etc. The module covers Circulation, Serial Publications, OPAC, Acquisition, Administration, Tools & Reports.
Library Automation System Features
Book issue status, book vendor, book physical status and user information.
Locate book on a particular shelf, search book by subject, author, topics, publication, keyword & accession number.
- Reserve a book in advance (OPAC).
- Creation of Budget, Fund, Vendors, Purchase Order, Shipment & Item.
- The recent arrival of books
- Fine calculation
- Subscriptions and subscribers
- Library News, Latest Notices and new developments
- Dewey decimal classification for the call number
- Library of Congress (LOC) classification for call numbers.